This is how the tourist 3.0 travels - Tourism on planet Earth
11:58 AM

This is how the tourist 3.0 travels

The democratization of technology has radically modified many aspects of our daily life, including the way we travel.

What until many years ago seemed impossible, today is within our reach without much effort. One of the sectors that has evolved, due to the almost unlimited possibilities offered by new technologies, is tourism.
Our way of traveling has changed markedly. When we proposed a trip a few years ago, the planning was much more expensive. Currently we have at our disposal countless specialized travel blogs that clarify even the slightest doubt that arises, and that are replacing the well-known guides on paper. That anxiety before the unknown dissipates before an almost complete knowledge of the place to which we decided to move.

Travel agencies have been relegated almost to the background due to the rise of online agencies, in which the consumer can organize the trip to suit you, choosing the options that best suit your situation and all this sitting, without need to move from the armchair of his house.

Buying a plane ticket is no longer an odyssey, there are many search engines that offer price comparisons, and to acquire one simply follow a few simple steps. Therefore, currently eight out of ten flights are purchased through the Internet. Depending on the characteristics of our flight, there is no longer a need to go to the airline's counter, but we can check in from the company's website and download the boarding cards directly to our mobile phone in the form of a QR code. This supposes a considerable saving of time. In addition, with the proliferation in recent years of low cost companies, the cost of tickets is available to many more people.

We can say then, that we are before a tourist 3.0, who does not have the need to buy several guides before embarking on his trip, but has an infinite number of possibilities offered by travel apps available for all types of Smartphones. Simply with being accompanied by our phone or smart watch we have at our disposal everything that is essential to move around the world:
- The heavy cameras of photos are replaced by the objectives of our mobiles of last generation, or by sport cameras with objectives of 360º to not miss any detail.

- The old maps on paper, so complex to understand sometimes, are replaced by the simple GPS applications on our smartphone, which give us clear instructions.

- Simultaneous translators convert past paper language dictionaries into preterit.

We speak of a fully informed traveler who reads a huge amount of opinions. Nothing remains in the hands of chance but the choice of a destination, accommodation, restaurant or visit is based on the valuation that other travelers have previously left. Undoubtedly, today, the avatars of the charismatic character of Jules Verne, Phileas Fogg, in Around the World in Eighty Days, would be much easier to cope with a Smartphone or a smart watch. Of course, letting go of the adventure continues to have its charm.

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